Friday 10 February 2012

A brief outline of my blog

I have decided to base my blog on the Irish financial crisis. However, I am aware that this remains a rather topical issue and is probably the most influential finance issue facing Irish students today. In an attempt to provide a more unique interpretation, I have decided to direct my blog towards a particular aspect of the Irish financial crisis.

Post 1: My first entry will discuss the lead up to the financial crisis. I feel this is important because in order to understand where the Irish economy went you must first understand where it came from.

Post 2: I will then review the causes of the Irish financial crisis in a hope to explain how the Irish economy got in to such a mess!

Post 3: From there I intend to focus my blog on a specific aspect, the need for and the development of the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA). An institution created to address the severity of the Irish banking crisis. 

Post 4: Finally, I will conclude by discussing the performance of NAMA to date along with an attempt to predict what lies in store for NAMA in the future

I hope you enjoy my blog!

All the best,


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