Tuesday 28 February 2012

To conclude...

Due to the continuing volatility of asset prices controlled by NAMA, it is imperative that they adopt an appropriate plan to achieve there repayment targets. Failure to do so would surely increase uncertainty with regards to NAMA's ability to achieve their prospective targets.

The above graph shows the month on month (MoM) % change in both house and rent prices over the period January 2005 - March 2011.

Month on month changes in both house prices and rent continue to show significant volatility, though both are showing signs of mean reversion.

Hopefully, as time goes on we will see both house and rent prices becoming more stable. This would be great news for NAMA especially as a more stable market would reassure buyers and hopefully encourage investors to re-invest in the property market (this time not so heavily leveraged) This would also come as a huge relief to the Irish taxpayer which is so heavily invested in NAMA at present. 

Thanks for reading!

All the best,


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